Whenever I decide I want to touch on a new genre for my writing, I come to realize a less than shocking fact: I don't know many other genres well apart from fantasy and urban fantasy. I don't even know epic fantasies like Lord of the Rings or...
You see?? So I think it's about time I got to some horizon broadening.
I should read Lord of the Rings trilogy to get a sense of what it is to write about a traveling adventure and multiple protagonists. That's what I'd like to write about for one of my WIPs that is way early in development. Another very early WIP involves understanding the growth of economy and the division of economic classes. I thought I could totally wing it, but my brother told me a few things that put me in my place. Yet another seems to be leaning towards a religious edge, of which, I have limited affiliation right now.
I've been told time and time again: write what you know. It's an irritating but pleasant wake up call that I need to expand what I know. I only wish I had such a compulsion to read books from every genre. I tried a mystery. Failed. Tried science fiction. Failed. Jumped straight back to my roots in fantasy.
But I'm hoping that my sudden onslaught of ADHD will subside and let me sit for more than three minutes at a time and read some new works. Heinlein's Empire of the East and someone else's novel The Incomplete Enchanter were suggested to me. They touch on fantasy, but in a perspective that my science grounded brother and father can tolerate, which means it has a strong enough hold in the sciences still. I'll give them a shot after my current read and hope for the best. Then maybe I can figure out how to properly work a few more plots.
Cheers to broader horizons! Any recommendations are welcome. But for now: to the MSWord futon!
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